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Wedding Cake


Color matching and variables:  Don Polvorón Bakery always does their very best to match custom color swatches provided by our customers.  However, as with many artisan efforts, matching colors presents many variables as the color ingredients cool, harden and set for periods of time in various environments. While our success rate is very high guarantees of consistent color matching 100% of the time are unrealistic.  For this reason Don Polvorón Bakery does not guarantee exact custom color matching.  To improve the probability of matching specific colors desired we have developed the following Do’s and Don’ts list: 

1. Live swatches only– no emailed, verbally communicated or internet sample colors – we suggest we develop agreements in person to help assure we “see” the actual colors together; 

2. Purple, Navy Blues and other similar colors can change ‘shades’ when exposed to differing weather, sunlight, heat, humidity, moisture, etc.; but we will give these colors our best efforts.

3. We recommend that colors always be kept in as stable an environment as possible from the time of production to delivery, presentation and consumption.

We have discovered that following these steps improves the likelihood of success with color matching! 

Outdoor Events and Weather:  Don Polvorón Bakery is NOT responsible for any weather damage to products after the customer has taken possession. Heat, sun, rain and humidity are not friends of your cake.  Any cake placed outside during an event has the possibility of melting or deforming due to environmental conditions.  We recommend that your cake be stored in refrigeration until an hour before needed at your event.  Assuming that your cake will be sitting in a typical room temperature (air conditioned in the hot, summer months) environment, we recommend that the cake doesn’t sit out of a non-refrigerated environment for more than 3 hours (less if in a hot or humid environment).   Don Polvorón Bakery provides insight and guidelines to avoid adverse effects of various weather conditions as follows:   

HEAT: Buttercream/Whipped Cream/Fresh Fruit cakes can melt and therefore are not recommended for outdoor events in temperatures exceeding 80 degrees.

HUMIDITY: Fondant Cakes do not do well in humidity, they can melt and/or bubble. 

WIND: Can push product over no matter how small or big. It may blow debris or bugs into your cake and or other desserts.

RAIN: Fondant can be spotted by rain. Rain can change or melt colors or product structure.

Leveling & Stabilizing Tables:  Don Polvorón Bakery is not responsible for leveling or stabilizing tables or platforms that Don Polvorón Bakery products are placed upon; or for products placed on tables located in direct sunlight. Don Polvorón Bakery will provide recommendations, to our customers as requested, on what works best for presenting Don Polvorón Bakery products properly.

Flowers, Toppers, and/or Cake Stands: In order to protect our customer’s best interests ALL flowers, toppers, and/or cake stands not provided by Don Polvorón Bakery must be approved by Don Polvorón Bakery prior to use.   Approved flowers, toppers and/or cake stands should be delivered to Don Polvorón Bakery a week before the event, and MUST be delivered no later than the day before the event. Don Polvorón Bakery will use their judgment on what works best in each situation, in some instances it may be determined certain flowers, toppers and/or cake stands cannot be used.

Allergies:  Don Polvorón Bakery provides products to accommodate customer requests relative to specific food allergies. However, we are a facility that processes ALL varieties of nuts, wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, etc. and therefore does NOT take responsibility for any cross contamination that may occur.  Please use your best judgment for your own safety from food products produced in facilities of this nature.

Pick-up: If you choose to pick up your cake at our bakery and transport it yourself, we are not liable or responsible for the cake once it has left the bakery. You should prepare your vehicle so it is clean and free of items that could roll or slide into the cake. We do everything in our power to provide a well-structured cake, but please note that cakes are very fragile and are easily damaged – especially larger cakes and those that are heavily decorated.  Please, drive carefully and slowly – quick turns and sudden stops will damage your cake.   Don Polvorón Bakery provides customer-pick-ups as requested and scheduled; customer-pick-ups will be available ON or AFTER the time specified on the order/agreement.  EARLIER pick-ups are accommodated ONLY as agreed to prior to pick-up.  Don Polvorón Bakery is NOT responsible for damage to product(s) after they leave our facilities due to handling, storage, falling, weather exposure or other events.  To assist our customers in reducing the possibilities of damage to Don Polvorón Bakery products once they have left our facilities we have developed the following guidelines based on our years of experience:

Handling NO NO’s: Holding cakes in your lap while driving; placing products on unleveled seats in a vehicle; leaving products unattended in a vehicle; keeping products in vehicles for extended periods of time; placing products in an over filled trunk; not leveling and securing the product in a vehicle properly before traveling; placing the product where other objects can fall on it; placing the product around small children or pets and animals; holding the cake box on the sides rather than the center of the bottom of the box, etc..

Storage NO NO’S: Putting a fondant and/or buttercream cake (or desserts) in a WET or HUMID refrigerator. Don Polvorón Bakery does NOT recommend leaving your product in a restaurant refrigerator (they are usually WET). WET or HUMID refrigeration may cause melting of items, and or items falling off cakes and/or desserts.  Leaving your product unrefrigerated over night or extended periods of time.    

Delivery:  In order to provide our customers with timely and accurate delivery Don Polvorón Bakery requires accurate addresses supported by maps to the location prior to delivery; this also allows for accurate delivery quotations so our customers don’t experience any unexpected costs.  To insure customer satisfaction the customer or someone designated by the customer must be at the delivery location at the scheduled time of arrival to allow Don Polvorón Bakery to complete the delivery.  A contact phone number of the person(s) who has appropriate access to the facility must be provided at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled delivery.  If you elect to have us deliver your cake to a restaurant or other facility where you will not be personally accepting your cake; that’s not a problem; we will obtain a signature of acceptance from whomever you designate to accept your cake and we will take a picture of your cake once delivered.  We cannot accept any responsibility for your cake once we deliver it and you’ll accept full responsibility.

If Don Polvorón Bakery does not have access at the agreed time of arrival after 15 minutes the product will be returned to our location and will be available for customer pick-up. Additional fees will apply to additional delivery efforts.   When coordinating deliveries, communications is very important – please be sure that we have accurate and current contact information.

Set-up:  All set-ups are provided upon request of the customer who ordered the item(s). Don Polvorón Bakery will go by the approved sketch of the layout for the cake(s) and/or dessert(s).  If the table or other props are different than agreed and approved by the customer who ordered the item(s), Don Polvorón Bakery may have to alter the existing layout to fit the situation as deemed most appropriate. 

Storage of Product: All Don Polvorón Bakery products must be stored as stated under Pick Ups- Handling and Storage No No’s. Don Polvorón Bakery is not responsible for the improper storage of the products. 

Rush Order: All rush orders are custom item(s) ordered within one week of the date the item(s) are to be delivered/available for pick-up. Fees for rush orders may apply.   

Serving Sizes:  Wedding and custom cakes are designed to serve the number of people you specify.  Our cake serving size is 1” x  2”.  While we try to ensure that you will have sufficient cake for your party, if you are serving larger slices of cake than our suggested serving size and run out, we are not responsible to provide additional cake.  If you aren’t sure how to properly cut your cake, please don’t hesitate to ask your consultant or the person that is helping you when you pick up your cake – we’ll be happy to explain the process to you.


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